Complaint Process
Who is the Vanguard School complaint procedure for?
Response: To any person (student or parent) who, after having attempted to resolve a dispute with the principal, feels that they are not satisfied or that the problem persists despite the steps taken.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines for Vanguard School to follow and enforce in the handling of complaints from students or their parents. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that any complaint (covered by this procedure) is dealt with effectively, diligently, impartially, and objectively, in a fair manner, and with respect for the rights of all persons involved in the complaint.
Steps to follow in dealing with a problematic situation
Step 1: Always contact the person with whom you have a dispute to understand the situation and work with them to find solutions if necessary (call or email).
Step 2: If the complainant is still dissatisfied or if the situation persists, refer the problematic situation to the principal of the sector to which the student belongs. Allow 5 working days for this to happen.
Step 3: If the complainant is still dissatisfied or if the situation persists, fill out the complaint form, which the general administration will process within 5 working days.
Step 4: If there is still dissatisfaction on the part of the complainant or if the situation persists, it is possible to submit a request for a complaint review to the National Student Ombudsman as follows:
- Through the Government website: rights
- By phone / texto : 1-833-420-5233
- By email: